Studio Policy

Private Lessons
Tuition is charged as a monthly flat rate and includes 46 lessons over the course of each year, taking into account all studio closures. Please see studio calendar for details. Tuition is prorated if starting mid-month, as well as for Flex Weeks if registering in January/February or July/August.

Lessons for adult students ages 18 and older are offered on a monthly ongoing tuition basis, with the option of a weekly or bi-weekly (every other week) lesson schedule.

An annual registration fee of $45 will be included in the first month’s tuition payment and again in the same month each year. This fee is applied towards student home access to teaching tools, incentive programs, teaching supplies, recitals, studio community events, administrative costs, and other educational resources.

Method books and additional music may be purchased from the studio at cost. Additional event fees may be required for recitals, festivals, competitions and other performance events. 

Monthly tuition statements will be emailed by the 1st of each month and include any additional material or event fees. Tuition is due on the 7th of each month, and a $25 late fee will be assessed on all payments not received by the 15th. Failure to submit payment by the end of the month will result in termination of the student by the studio and the matter will be turned over to a collection agency for resolution.

If unforeseen circumstances require a student to terminate lessons mid-year, a withdrawal form must be received by the 15th of the month in order not to be charged on the 1st of the following month. For example, to discontinue lessons beginning July 1st, your withdrawal form must be received by June 15th.

Along with practice, regular attendance is essential for student progress and to avoid frustration. In the event that a student needs to miss a lesson because of illness or emergency, please contact the studio with as much advance notice as possible.  Any makeup credits can be made up throughout the year via open make-up lesson slots, applied towards studio classes and workshops, or during the studio’s Summer Flex Weeks (makeup lessons only) during the first two weeks of August. If a teacher has to cancel a lesson, every effort will be made to provide a substitute teacher to maintain consistency, and/or additional make-up slots will be made available.

Makeups for missed lessons are not guaranteed. No refunds will be given for missed lessons. Students who miss more than half of their regularly scheduled lessons in a month without booking makeup lessons during the same lesson week or a temporary lesson suspension arrangement may be asked to forfeit their lesson spot.

Lessons can be canceled up to 48-hours prior to your lesson via the student portal, and it is the responsibility of the student to book makeup lessons. UNBOOKED makeup credits will expire after 4 weeks; once a make-up credit is used to book a lesson, the credit will remain valid until it is used. Makeup credits may be applied towards studio classes and workshops, and may also be used to extend regular lessons or consecutively if the teacher’s schedule allows (for example, three 30-minute lesson credits can be booked as two 45-minute lessons). 

Any lessons that teachers miss due to illness or emergency will be credited towards students’ tuition for the following month.

Please be prompt; Lesson times cannot be extended for students who arrive late. Teachers will wait online for students no longer than 15 minutes, after which the remainder of the lesson will be forfeited. In-person students should be picked up promptly at the end of their lesson time. 

Summer Lessons
Students’ lessons during the summer remain scheduled by default at the same days/times and may be arranged to be exclusively online to accommodate travel.

For students who desire a temporary break from lessons, you may put your lessons on hold for 2-6 consecutive weeks during the months of June-August in order to keep your current lesson day/time when you return. The 2025 summer suspension rate is $25-$50/student per week, depending on regular lesson length.

Students may withdraw from lessons to accommodate a longer summer vacation. However, their lesson day/time cannot be held.

Studio Flex Weeks
Flex Weeks are two 1-week periods of each year during which no regular lessons will be scheduled. This is an opportunity for students to have a brief lesson break, make up any missed lessons, or try a lesson with a different studio teacher.

Studio Recitals
We offer students an opportunity to participate in 2-4 annual studio recitals. Recitals are a wonderful way to share what students have learned throughout the year with their families and friends, while developing performance skills such as poise, self-confidence, musical polish, and showmanship.

Discontinuing Lessons
Lessons can be discontinued for any reason. To withdraw from lessons, students must complete the Lesson Withdrawal Form by the 15th of the month in order not to be charged on the 1st of the following month. For example, to discontinue lessons beginning July 1st, your withdrawal form must be received by June 15th. If your form is submitted after the 15th of the month, you may opt to withdraw beginning the following month by paying a $60 expedited processing fee per student.

Security/Privacy Notice
Our primary concern at Plumrose Piano Studio is the welfare and safety of our students, as well as that of our teachers and studio. For this reason, as well as for coaching and training purposes, we use visible, closed circuit security cameras and microphones in the studio and record our virtual lessons. We encourage any questions regarding this; we have found that our students and parents appreciate this extra security measure.